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Supporters say MP3s help independent musicians to get radio play, tour dates, or national distribution. MP3 allows low-budget musicians to get high-quality music directly to a huge audience.

What is MP3?
MPEG Layer 3, known as MP3, is a digital audio format for quick-downloading files that sound almost as good as CDs. With an MP3 player, you can listen to free or very cheap music downloaded from the Web. With a ripper and an encoder, you can create your own MP3 files from CDs that you own. Then you can transfer the MP3 files into a portable player and take the music with you anywhere you go.




The recording industry says MP3s encourage copyright violations. The artists receive no money and servers with illegal MP3 files are violating copyright laws.

What you need...

- A player. . . . . the best is winamp

- Some Music . . . . . go to Mp3WOW as a start

- Make your own . . . . . try MusicMatch Jukebox

- Go Portable . . . . . get yourself a portable mp3 player